Privacy Statement

We are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that you may provide.

Federal Group (Mulawa Holdings Pty Ltd and its controlled entities) will only use your personal information for the purpose of determining your suitability for employment. This information will only be disclosed to the delegate in Human Resources/Recruitment, except where otherwise lawfully permitted or required by law. At all times, we take reasonable steps to maintain the security of your personal information and to protect it from unauthorised disclosure.

Our Privacy Policy provides further detail and can be viewed at

By proceeding with your enquiry, you agree that you have read our Privacy Policy.

Job Mail Subscription

By subscribing to Job Mail, you agree to be notified by Federal Group or any of its controlled entities, when a position becomes available that matches your search criteria.

Your subscription will remain valid until you choose to unsubscribe. To unsubscribe, click the 'Unsubscribe' link included in any of the job mail alerts received through this service or by contacting a member of our Recruitment team (