Research Associate-Fixed Term Job No: 900887
East Lansing
College Of Engineering
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The successful applicant will be involved in the development of polymeric proton conducting materials for energy applications. |
Technical Aide Job No: 901151
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
CT- Clerical Tech.
Earth and Environmental Sciences Technical Aide |
Inst/Ast Prof/Asc Prof/Prof Fixed Term Job No: 896655
East Lansing
College Of Social Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
School of Social Work in the College of Social Science at Michigan State University (MSU) seeks candidates for 8-10 positions to teach as part-time per course instructors as needed as part of our East Lansing, Flint, Statewide Blended and Weekend MSW programs. |
Assistant/Associate Professor Tenure System Job No: 897634
East Lansing
Eli Broad College Of Business
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
Michigan State University’s Eli Broad College of Business, Department of Supply Chain Management, has an opening for a tenure system assistant/associate professor with expertise in operations and sourcing management (OSM) to start in the 2024-2025 academic year. Duties include research, teaching, and service, and the teaching responsibility would involve OSM courses. |
Professional Aide Job No: 896732
In State
College Of Nursing
AP- Professionals
Are you interested in learning about nursing research? Does physical activity instruction and food nutrition education for middle school students excite you? We have multiple grant positions that might interest you. Click here to learn more! |
Professional Aide Job No: 896731
In State
College Of Nursing
AP- Professionals
Are you interested in learning about nursing research? Does physical activity instruction and food nutrition education for middle school students excite you? We have multiple grant positions that might interest you. Click here to learn more! |
Professional Aide Job No: 896733
In State
College Of Nursing
AP- Professionals
Are you interested in learning about nursing research? Does physical activity instruction and food nutrition education for middle school students excite you? We have multiple grant positions that might interest you. Click here to learn more! |
Inst/Ast/Asc/Full Prof - Fixed Term Job No: 896239
East Lansing
College Of Social Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
School of Social Work in the College of Social Science at Michigan State University (MSU) seeks candidates (8-10 positions) to teach as part-time per-course instructors as part of our East Lansing, Flint, Statewide-Blended and Weekend programs. |
Institute/Center Director-Management Job No: 890910
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The College of Education at Michigan State University is seeking a Center Director, to lead the Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC). |
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System Job No: 892706
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Mathematics (MATH) and the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University (MSU) invite applications for two open rank tenure system positions in applied and computational mathematics beginning Fall 2024, jointly appointed between MATH and CMSE. |
Staff Engineer FRIB/NSCL-Continuing Job No: 893351
East Lansing
Facility For Rare Isotope Beams
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams is searching for a Chief Electrical Engineer to serve as the technical expert, give strategic direction and provide guidance in concepts, design, and implementation of complex electrical systems and the electrical safety program. |
Assist/Assoc Professor Health Programs Fixed Term Job No: 890227
East Lansing
College Of Osteopathic Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Neurology at Michigan State University is pleased to
announce its expansion. We seek BC/BE candidates with primary interest
in Multiple Sclerosis and Comprehensive Neurology. |
Large Animal Surgeon Job No: 884315
East Lansing
College Of Veterinary Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, invites applications for a Tenure System or Health Programs Faculty Appointment System (HP) position in Large Animal Surgery. |
Specialist - Research-Fixed Term Job No: 884794
East Lansing
College Of Human Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
Interested in radiobiology? The Molecular Imaging and Radiotheranostics (MIRA) laboratory is hiring a research associate to work on projects investigating the tumor radiobiology and immunomodulation of radiopharmaceutical theranostic agents. |
Ast Inst/Inst Fixed Term Job No: 886727
East Lansing
College Of Social Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The School of Criminal justice is seeking part time instructor/assistant instructor to teach undergraduate on campus courses. |
Assistant Professor-FixedTerm Job No: 888485
East Lansing
College Of Social Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The School of Criminal Justice (SCJ) at Michigan State University invites applications for up to two 9-month fixed-term teaching positions in our baccalaureate and master’s degree programs at the Assistant Professor rank beginning January 1, 2024 and continuing until filled. |
Research Associate-Fixed Term Job No: 888870
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Mathematics at Michigan State University invites applications for Fixed- Term Departmental Postdoctoral Research Associates
(Postdocs) and Fixed-Term Research Associates with a starting date of Fall 2024. |
Specialist - Outreach-Fixed Term Job No: 885583
East Lansing
University Outreach And Engagement
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
MSU Upward Bound Progrma Seeks a Specialist that will serve as both a student mentor coordinator as a data collection specialist. This federally funded program serves high school students from low-income, first generation familes with a emphasis on increasing the rate in which participatns complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. |
Ast Inst/Inst/Ast Prof - Fixed Term Job No: 885846
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education at Michigan State University is seeking outstanding candidates for anticipated fixed-term (non-tenure stream) faculty positions in the School Psychology program that will be filled on an as needed basis (Spring Semester). |
Ast. Inst/Inst - Fixed Term Job No: 885812
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education at Michigan State University is seeking outstanding candidates for anticipated fixed-term (non-tenure stream) faculty positions in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology program that will be filled on a recurring spring basis. Primary responsibility is teaching online graduate courses. |