Summer Camp Assistant Coordinator Job No: 1023557
In State, Oakland
Michigan State University Extension
EXPA- Ext. Prog Assoc
MSU Extension is seeking candidates to join our summer day camp team in Novi, Michigan. During the summer, MSU Tollgate Farm & Education Center offers educational day camps for youth in grades 1-12. As part of the educational staff, the Summer Camp Assistant Coordinator will assist the Program Coordinator in the overall management of 9 weeks of science-themed camp promoting MSU Tollgate's mission. |
Summer Camp Educational Leader Job No: 1023558
In State, Novi, Oakland
Michigan State University Extension
EXPA- Ext. Prog Assoc
MSU Extension is seeking candidates to join our summer day camp team in Novi, Michigan. During the summer, MSU Tollgate Farm & Education Center offers educational day camps for youth in grades 1-12. As part of the educational staff, the Summer Camp Edu-Leader will lead the learning experience for groups of youth during 9 weeks of science-themed camp promoting MSU Tollgate's mission. |
Summer Camp Garden Kitchen Leader Job No: 1023559
In State, Novi, Oakland
Michigan State University Extension
EXPA- Ext. Prog Assoc
MSU Extension is seeking candidates to join our summer day camp team in Novi. During the summer, MSU Tollgate Farm & Education Center offers educational day camps for youth in grades 1-12. As part of the educational staff, the Garden Kitchen Leader is responsible for leading daily kitchen activities for Summer Farm Camp which includes leading youth in preparing their own nutritious snacks. |
Ast Inst/Inst/Ast Prof - Fixed Term Job No: 1023814
East Lansing
College Of Communication Arts Sciences
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Advertising and Public Relations seeks applications for two full-time fixed term faculty to teach courses in a range of advertising and public relations related courses. |
Extension Program Worker Job No: 1021418
Clinton, In State
Michigan State University Extension
EXPA- Ext. Prog Assoc
Summer job working with field crops in extension and industry. Get experience in cover crop, wheat, integrated pest management, soybean research project and soil health sampling primarily in the Central MI area. |