Current opportunities

Position Location Closes
Assistant Professor of Physical Education Long Beach
The Department of Kinesiology is seeking an Assistant Professor of Physical Education with specialization in physical education teacher education.
Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics Long Beach
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is seeking an Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics.
International Training Programs Associate Long Beach
Under the direction of the Director, International Training Programs, the primary function of the incumbent is to independently manage and implement International Training Programs (ITP).
First-Year Experience Coordinator Long Beach
Reporting directly to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the First-Year Experience Coordinator manages academic orientation, supporting, and advising activities for freshmen and first-year transfer students.
HRL Laborer Long Beach
Under the supervision of the Assistant Director, Facilities, journey-person, and facilities mechanic, this position performs routine maintenance, alterations, and repairs of HRLA buildings.
Software Developer Long Beach
Under minimal supervision, the Software Developer will be a hands-on, technical member of the Student Administration Systems team responsible for implementing and maintaining software systems and interfaces to various student information systems, predominantly in Hyland OnBase and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions.
HRL Care Coordinator Long Beach
The incumbent will provide case management and care coordination to high-risk students with psychological and social concerns, working in conjunction with on-campus Health & Wellness resources, who are primarily housed within Housing and Residential Life (the dorms).
Classroom Support Technician Long Beach
Under the general direction of the Lead Tech Consultant, the AV & Technology Integration (AVTI) Specialist is responsible for the design, documentation, build, and execution of technology integration in a various space, including computer labs, smart classrooms, active-learning rooms, and conference rooms. The incumbent provides ongoing support and maintenance for classroom technology and stays current with classroom technologies and methods to provide best practices while leveraging technology to enhance the learning experience. The incumbent will apply this knowledge to new designs and road maps. Additionally, the incumbent will facilitate training for classroom AV technology as requested and create, organize, and compile documentation relating to each classroom integration.
Equity & Compliance Director - Search Firm Long Beach
Under general direction, serves as the Equity & Compliance Director to the Office of Equity & Compliance to assist in the supervision of OEC notifications, reports, intake meetings, hearings, and managing OEC work groups.
Office Assistant - Open to CSULB Employees Only Long Beach
Under general supervision, provides clerical support to the faculty and staff of the department of Physics and Astronomy.
Interpreter - Hrly/Int POOL (CLA) Long Beach
Sign language interpreters facilitate the communication and integration of deaf and hearing impaired, or otherwise disabled students and consumers (including faculty, staff, and university guests) into the classroom, other instructional settings, and into the university community either by way of American Sign language (ASL), or Signed English, Transliteration (a manual, oral or tactile system of communication.)
Security & Audit Compliance Analyst Long Beach
Under the general supervision of the Information Security Officer (ISO), the Information Security Analyst is responsible for ensuring the success of CSULB’s governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program, and ensures that security policies, standards, procedures, and practices align with university goals and compliance requirements.
Political Science Department Assistant- Open to CSULB Employees Only Long Beach
Under the general supervision of the Office Coordinator, the Administrative Support Assistant II provides clerical support to the Department of Political Science, including assistance to faculty, the Graduate Advisor, and the Department Chair. The role also involves working with the Moot Court and Model United Nations programs, as well as the Undergraduate Advisor, in an office that comprises approximately 47 academic employees, 13 tenured/tenure-track faculty members, 2 FERP faculty members, 17 lecturers, and 15 graduate assistants. The assistant serves as a secondary resource for information regarding department and program policies and practices for faculty, students, and staff, ensuring continuity in policy and procedure. Additionally, the role involves maintaining department budgets and records and completing faculty and staff hiring processes.
Assistant Professor of Social Work Long Beach
The School of Social Work is seeking an Assistant Professor of Social Work.
Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising and Fashion Long Beach
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is seeking an Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising and Fashion.
Assistant Professor of Consumer Affairs Long Beach
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is seeking an Assistant Professor of Consumer Affairs with specialization in consumer affairs, consumer protection, personal finance, consumer advocacy, housing issues, resource management, or closely related field.
Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Long Beach
The School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management is seeking an Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
English Department Specialist Long Beach
Manages an office of approximately 125 academic employees, which includes 30 tenured/tenure-track faculty 1 FERP, 63 Lecturers, 14 Teaching Assistants, and 17 Instructional Student Assistants, as well as supervising 3 full-time staff: ftes of 1,110.65 with five BAs (764), second majors (17) four minors (55), a certificate in Professional Writing (37) and an MFA and an MA (122). Serves as the primary resource for information regarding Department policy and practice for faculty, students, and staff providing continuity in policy and procedure; maintains Department budget and records; and completes faculty and staff hiring.
Assistant Dean of Students Long Beach
Under general supervision of the Associate Dean of Students, the Assistant Dean of Student serves as the deputy Student Conduct Administrator for CSULB and assists in managing the operation of the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development on student conduct matters.
Groundsworker - 3 Positions Available Long Beach
Under general supervision of the Manager of Grounds and Landscape Services or designee and immediate supervision of the Lead Groundsworker, and in accordance with schedules and periodic instructions, performs general grounds maintenance work and maintains the grounds in an assigned area of the campus.

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