Part-Time Lecturer Pool - Mathematics and Statistics
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Part-Time Lecturer Pool - Mathematics Student Teacher Supervisor
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Marketing & Business Analytics Temporary Lecturer Pool
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Accounting & Finance Temporary Lecturer Pool
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Audiology Lecturer Pool
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Kinesiology Lecturer Pool
San José
We invite applications for a pool of part-time lecturers, should an opening arise. The number of positions varies from semester to semester, depending on the needs of the Department. |
Environmental Studies Lecturer Pool
San José
Teaching opportunities are available for the following courses in the Environmental Studies and Global Studies programs. |
Lecturer in the History of Asian Art and/or Latin American Art
San José
The successful candidate will teach upper-division undergraduate survey courses in the program’s “World Art” area, which includes the art history of China, Japan, Mexico, and Latin America. |
Family Nurse Practitioner Instructor
San José
The Valley Foundation School of Nursing is accepting applications for an instructor to teach courses in the area of Family Nurse Practitioner. |