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Chief Radiographer (510151)

Apply now Job no: 1145051
Work type: Full Time
Location: South
Categories: Allied Health, Health/Hospital

Please note: Only current Department of Health, including Tasmanian Health Service employees, are eligible to apply.

The Department of Medical Imaging (DMI) at Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) is seeking a motivated and dynamic Chief Radiographer to provide leadership in contemporary practice and promote and drive an environment conducive to innovation and change.

DMI at RHH offers both diagnostic and interventional procedures in Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Nuclear Medicine, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, Fluoroscopy and Angiography for both inpatients and outpatients.

The Chief Radiographer provides leadership and direction in the management of Medical Imaging services for RHH and its offsite facilities, including the development, formulation and implementation of service delivery policy, strategic planning, efficient management of human, financial and physical resources, clinical governance, quality assurance, risk management and accreditation requirements, working collaboratively with the Director, Operations Manager and other Senior Department staff.

The Role

  • Provide senior leadership and strategic direction in the management of Medical Imaging services for the RHH and its off-site facilities, including the development, formulation and implementation of service delivery policy, strategic planning, efficient management of human, financial and physical resources, clinical governance, quality assurance, risk management and accreditation requirements.
  • Oversee the provision of clinical leadership, professional support and best practice standards, in accordance with organisational policies and professional codes of conduct for imaging services provided in a multidisciplinary environment.
  • Ensure as part of the senior management team and in collaboration with Operations Manager that there is a collaborative and integrated approach to service delivery across the Department to maximise resource utilisation and improve access to services.

Note: - Please refer to the Statement of Duties for all the selection criteria of this position to address in your application.

Details of Appointment

Fixed term full time, day worker position (with on-call), working 76 hours per fortnight, commencing from as soon as possible for a period of twelve months.

Please note that hours may be negotiated with the successful applicant


Salary: $163,655 - $165,017 per annum (pro rata) + 11.5% superannuation + access to salary packaging

• A market allowance of $10,000 per annum pro rata is approved until 31 May 2026, this allowance will be reviewed prior to expiry
• Salary range is in accordance with Allied Health Professionals Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement No. 2 of 2022

*Applicants should note that, for a period of twelve months from the date of publication, this selection process may be used to fill subsequent or similar vacancies.


Successful applicants will be required to meet the essential criteria:

1. Registration with the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia
2. Tertiary qualification/program of study approved by the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia

*Registration/licences that are essential requirements of this role must remain current and valid at all times whilst employed in this role and the status of these may be checked at any time during employment. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that registration/licences remain current and to advise the Employer if their circumstances change. This includes notifying the Employer if a registration/licence is revoked, cancelled or has its conditions altered.

Applicants should note the following criteria are desirable:

  1. Postgraduate qualification/s relevant to the management of Medical Imaging Services

Under particular circumstances employees may be required to undertake a new conviction check.

Statement of Duties and any associated documents

You are encouraged to speak with the contact person once you have familiarised yourself with the Statement of Duties and any associated documents. This will assist you to prepare an application more aligned with our specific needs.

510151 Chief Radiographer HP5-5 (Sept 2023) CSU.docx

Applicant Guide

How to Apply

Apply Online. Please click the "Apply" button on this screen. This ensures important questions about you are answered.
You will be prompted to complete a 1-2 page application detailing your experience, skills and knowledge as they relate to the specifics of the role and selection criteria contained in the attached Statement of Duties.
A separate statement addressing each individual selection criteria is not required.

Please Note

• All attachments must be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
• Referee details are submitted as part of the online application, so make sure you have the contact details of two referees before applying.

Contact Person

Name: Anna Grady
Position: Nursing Director - Critical Care, Clinical Services and Investigations 
Phone number: (03) 61666702
Email address:

The core purpose guiding the way in which we work across the Department of Health is to CARE for the health and wellbeing of all in Tasmania through our Values of Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. We are united by our shared purpose and model our CARE Values through our interactions with one another, our patients, our clients and the Tasmanian community.

Advertised: Tasmania Daylight Time
Applications close: Tasmania Daylight Time

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