• One of Australia’s leading research & teaching universities
• Vibrant campus life with a strong sense of community & inclusion
• Enjoy a career that makes a difference by collaborating & learning from the best
At UNSW, we pride ourselves on being a workplace where the best people come to do their best work.
The School of Mathematics and Statistics currently has more than eighty continuing academic staff and more than thirty research staff as well as visiting academics. UNSW is the only university in Australia to be ranked in the top 100 in the world in mathematics and statistics by CWTS Leiden, US News and QS. The School embodies a broad range of research interests in the areas of applied and pure mathematics, and statistics.
In Statistics, the School has research strengths in Bayesian and Monte Carlo Methods, Biostatistics and Ecology, Combinatorics, Data Science, Finance and Risk Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics, Optimisation, Stochastic Analysis, and Stochastic Modelling. The School’s research groups are interconnected, with frequent interactions between groups and with other schools and faculties both within and outside UNSW. The School also represents the Faculty of Science within the UNSW Artificial Intelligence Institute which aims to cultivate and promote foundational and applied research in AI and related areas.
The Associate Professor (Level D) in Statistics will conduct research in this specialised field and align, where possible, with the existing research strengths in the School. The role will be expected to contribute actively to the School’s teaching activities in Statistics across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including online teaching. The role will engage with and build links with the community and industry.
Candidates with expertise in the modelling of spatio-temporal data and related areas are particularly encouraged to apply.
About the role
• Level D - $179K - $197K plus 17% Superannuation and annual leave loading
• Continuing
• Full-time (35 hours per week)
The role of Associate Professor reports to the Head of Department and has no direct reports.
Specific responsibilities for this role include:
- Actively carry out research in an area of statistics or data science that aligns with the research strengths in the School, with a view to publication in influential and high-impact scholarly journals.
- Develop research collaborations within the School as well as links with other groups on campus and with industry.
- Develop research collaborations nationally and internationally.
- Actively disseminate research findings at seminars and conferences within the School, the UNSW environment, nationally and internationally.
- Supervise Honours and Masters Course Work projects; and supervise PhD and Masters Research students.
- Teach statistics, data science, and mathematics courses to a range of audiences at the University, including specialist Honours and Masters level courses.
- Significant leadership role in research projects including research grant proposal and applications
- Provide leadership in the development, teaching and convening of statistics and data science courses
- Take on leadership roles in the School, Faculty and/or University
- Mentor junior colleagues in their development of successful research careers
- Align with and actively demonstrate the UNSW Values in Action: Our Behaviours and the UNSW Code of Conduct.
- Cooperate with all health and safety policies and procedures of the university and take all reasonable care to ensure that your actions or omissions do not impact on the health and safety of yourself or others.
About the successful applicant
(Selection Criteria)
To be successful in this role you will have:
- PhD or equivalent qualification in statistics, data science or relevant mathematical sciences.
- Expertise in the modelling of spatio-temporal data and related areas (desirable)
- Demonstrated research ability in Mathematics or Statistics, which aligns with the research directions in the School.
- Evidence of effective teaching experience.
- Evidence of research group collaborations.
- Capacity to conduct productive research at an international level.
- An outstanding track record of peer-reviewed publications and grant success
- Proven ability to supervise honours, masters and PhD research students
- Capacity to provide leadership, management and mentoring to colleagues in teaching and research
- An understanding of and commitment to UNSW’s aims, objectives and values in action, together with relevant policies and guidelines.
- Knowledge of health and safety responsibilities and commitment to attending relevant health and safety training
Please submit a detailed CV, a cover letter addressing the selection criteria, and a statement outlining your research vision and teaching philosophy.
For informal queries, please see the below contact details.
Otherwise, please apply online - applications will not be accepted if sent directly to the contact listed.
Jake Olivier
E: j.olivier@unsw.edu.au
Applications close: March 17th, 2025
UNSW is committed to equity diversity and inclusion. Applications from women, people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those living with disabilities, members of the LGBTIQ+ community; and people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, are encouraged. UNSW provides workplace adjustments for people with disability, and access to flexible work options for eligible staff. The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment.