School of Nursing
Adult Health Continuing Track Assistant Professor Faculty Position
(Appointment effective on or before August 2025)
DESCRIPTION: The School of Nursing in the College of Health Sciences at the University of Delaware seeks an experienced, innovative, and highly motivated candidate for a 9-month, continuing track assistant professor faculty position to join our faculty that includes nationally recognized leaders in clinical practice, education, research, and policy. In addition, the desired clinical area of expertise includes Adult Health Nursing with simulation experience preferred. Expectations also include participation in scholarship and service activities. Faculty are encouraged to teach in both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs and contribute to a welcoming campus environment.
Qualifications for an Assistant Professor continuing track include a doctorate degree with PhD prepared preferred, U.S. RN licensure, Delaware RN licensure eligibility, and a record of successful teaching experience (including online) in undergraduate nursing programs preferred.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The School of Nursing (http://www.udel.edu/nursing/) is a thriving academic unit of over 30 faculty, approximately 775 undergraduate students, and 125 graduate students. Recognized as a Center of Excellence by the National League of Nursing and accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the School offers innovative, dynamic pre-licensure baccalaureate, master’s, post-master’s and post-baccalaureate doctoral programs, including the DNP and a PhD in Nursing Science, spanning face-to-face, hybrid, and fully online programs. The School of Nursing has a strong drive to continue growing its research program in areas of aging, symptom science, and health services research. The School of Nursing emphasizes interdisciplinary and translational research, interpersonal education, and service to the community.
The College of Health Sciences is a dynamic, innovative academic unit with more than 3,400 undergraduate and graduate students and 131 faculty, who are nationally recognized leaders across multiple disciplines. The College is housed in multiple buildings on the traditional main campus but also is an anchor tenant of the University’s Science, Technology, and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus. STAR has become an exciting center that combines business, research, and education, focused on leading topics in health science, biopharmaceuticals, data science, engineering, finance, and other cross-cutting fields of study. In addition to Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, the College also includes the departments of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Epidemiology, Medical and Molecular Sciences, Physical Therapy, and the School of Nursing. With annual research expenditures of approximately $19.5 million, the college currently houses several large, interdisciplinary grants with significant funding from the NIH and DoD. The college boasts strong research teams in the areas of neurological disorders, cardiovascular health, and other chronic disease conditions, as well as rehabilitation science and concussion.
With roots tracing back to 1743, the University of Delaware combines tradition and innovation, offering students a rich heritage along with the latest in instructional and research technology. The University of Delaware is the recipient of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Grant, focused on enhancing the climate of the university for women and underrepresented minority faculty. Located in scenic Newark, Delaware, within 2 hours of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., the University is a Land Grant, Sea Grant, Space Grant, and Carnegie Research University (with very high research activity, a designation accorded to fewer than 3% of degree-granting institutions in the U.S.), and with external funding exceeding $200 million. A state-assisted, privately governed institution, the University enrolls approximately 18,000 undergraduates and 4,500 graduate students.
SALARY AND BENEFITS: Compensation packages are competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Faculty at the University have regularly received annual cost-of-living and merit salary increases and the UD benefits package is one of the best in the nation. The University is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples, supports work-life balance through an array of family-friendly policies, and is dedicated to broadening participation in higher education. Relocation funds are available. The appointment date is set for August 2025, but an earlier hire date is possible/negotiable.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations and expressions of interest will be held in confidence and references will be contacted only with the candidate’s permission. Applicants should upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references. The letter of application and CV will be shared with the search committee. For inquiries, contact: Jennifer Graber or Jennifer Saylor, Search Committee Co-Chairs, at jgraber@udel.edu or jsaylor@udel.edu; or contact the School of Nursing (302)831-1253.