Full -Time Lecturer - Electrical Engineering (AY 25/26)
San Luis Obispo
Full-time lecturer positions in Electrical Engineering for AY 2025/26, with the possibility of extension to AY 2026/27 contingent on departmental need and satisfactory evaluations. |
Full-time Lecturer - Landscape Architecture
San Luis Obispo
The Landscape Architecture (LA) Department in the College of Architecture & Environmental Design is seeking applicants for a full-time lecturer position beginning September 11, 2025. The position requires a commitment for one academic year of full-time teaching. Salary and teaching assignments will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. |
Assistant Professor Journalism - Spanish Language Journalism (25/26)
San Luis Obispo
The Journalism Department in the College of Liberal Arts at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, is seeking applications for a full-time, academic-year, tenure-track assistant professor to begin September 11, 2025. Primary duties include training students for professional careers serving the Hispanic/Latino media market. As the university works to become a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), this position supports the institution’s commitment to serving Spanish-speaking communities. We are looking for an enterprising professional with strong media experience. Teaching assignments will include broadcast, digital and print-based classes, depending on experience, and the faculty member will be expected to craft a new introductory level class focused on Spanish language reporting. The faculty member will also be expected to advise Spanish language student media news products offered via KCPR.org, Mustang News, mustangnews.net and Mustang News TV. Cal Poly Journalism offers a concentration in Media Innovation, and the candidate may also offer innovation-oriented classes to serve this concentration.
This position is part of a university-wide cluster of searches designed to increase curricular coverage of areas related to DEI, as well as to promote inclusive and equity-minded teaching strategies across the university. Successful candidates will be expected to contribute to the university’s goals in these areas. Candidates selected through this DEI cluster hire will be given start-up funds to support their work in DEI and a dedicated mentor will be given upon appointment. Once hired, candidates will collaborate with their dean and others to develop a plan for utilizing these funds for supplemental compensation, assigned time, or professional development activities. |
Police Dispatcher I - On-Call
San Luis Obispo
Public Safety is seeking hard working and detail oriented Police Dispatchers. Join us! |
Assistant Professor in Architecture
San Luis Obispo
The Architecture Department in the College of Architecture & Environmental Design (CAED) seeks applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin September 11, 2025. We invite applications from candidates with expertise in the creative integration of architecture and building technologies including structure, building envelope, materials and assemblies, decarbonization, and construction methods. |