Current opportunities

Position Location Closes
Assistant Athletic Trainer - Open to CSULB Employees Only Long Beach
To assist the athletic training staff in providing the best possible medical care for the student-athletes and visiting athletic teams. Including care, prevention and rehabilitation of injuries to our student athletes without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation or gender.
Assistant Professor of Social Psychology Long Beach
The Department of Psychology is seeking an Assistant Professor of Social Psychology.
Associate Director, Center for Community Engagement Long Beach
Under the supervision and general direction of the Executive Director of the Center for Community Engagement (CCE), the Associate Director is responsible for overseeing the administration of office operations and community-based experiential learning programs and High Impact Practices (HIPs) including but not limited to service learning and other relevant community engagement programs/initiatives; and for performing specialized duties related to the overall administrative operations of the CCE.
Assistant Director, Enrollment Services Long Beach
This position is responsible for planning, directing, and evaluating the administration of student facing processes related to delivering high quality student service experiences in the areas covered by Enrollment Services such as: Admissions, Student Records & Registration and Financial Aid. Through hands-on day-to-day operations, the Assistant Director meets critical deadlines by utilizing project management skills to facilitate operational objectives and support student success.
Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics Long Beach
The Department of Linguistics is seeking an Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics.
Assistant Professor of Public Relations Long Beach
The Department of Journalism and Public Relations is seeking an Assistant Professor of Public Relations.
Mental Health Case Manager Long Beach
Under the direct supervision of the Director of the Bob Murphy Access Center, the incumbent provides mental health and disability case management to high-risk students with psychological and social concerns in the departments of Bob Murphy Access Center, Title IX, students receiving services through the CARES Team and related programs under the Dean of Students, Counseling and Psychological Services, and other areas as assigned.
Accommodations and Retention Counselor Long Beach
Under the general direction and leadership of the Associate Director, the incumbent will provide comprehensive and holistic intake, referrals, and linking of services to serve the disability-related needs of students enrolled at CSULB who have a qualified disability and require access to programs and services. Incumbent will work across programs and serve as the primary contact for prospective and newly admitted students and will review highly sensitive and confidential disability documentation, determine reasonable accommodations, and provide on-going disability management support. The Accommodations and Retention Counselor assesses and determines the nature and extent of a wide variety of disabilities, needed accommodations, and required support services. Incumbent advises students regarding classroom accommodations and disability-related challenges related to education/career options and choices including consulting with faculty regarding student needs and disability related course concerns. Interprets federal and state laws and regulations to students, faculty, and the campus-at-large. The incumbent will serve as a resource for students, staff, and faculty regarding the purpose, operation, and services for BMAC and provides disability management and academic support workshops for all BMAC students. Incumbent coordinates programs that support outreach and ensure the delivery of high-quality services for students, faculty and staff and provide coordination for various BMAC held events and student led disability awareness and advocacy.
Career Events Coordinator Long Beach
Under the supervision of the Director and lead by Assistant Director of Employer Engagement, the incumbent is responsible for staff, programs, and operations of Career Development Center recruitment events.
Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Educator Long Beach
This position reports to the Director of Prevention and Support Services and is led by the Campus Confidential Advocate. The Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Educator and is responsible for leading and coordinating prevention education, outreach, and early intervention efforts related to gender-based violence in a higher education setting with the goal to improve knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors at CSU Long Beach, and lower incidences of violence. This includes topics such as affirmative consent, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/interpersonal violence, stalking, men and masculinity, and bystander intervention. Responsibilities include conducting workshops, training, campus outreach, and awareness month events.
Associate Coordinator, Supplemental Instruction - 11/12 Pay Plan Long Beach
Under the general guidance of the Director, Learning Assistance Center the incumbent serves as one of three professional staff dedicated to overseeing the effective implementation of the Supplemental Instruction program, which supports students in low completion rate courses, and entering students identified as academically at risk.
Equity & Compliance Manager - 2 Positions Available - Search Firm Long Beach
Under the general direction, the Equity & Compliance Manger serves as a major support to the Office of Equity & Diversity, to the Assistant Vice President of Equity & Compliance, and acts as an Equity & Compliance delegate on equity and compliance-related committees and tasks groups.
Director, News Media Services Long Beach
Leads the Strategic Communications department’s News Media Services unit, including supervising assigned staff. Develops strategies and tactics to best meet established goals related to earned media coverage.
Payroll & HR Support Assistant – POOL Long Beach
This is an Emergency Hire position to support various roles in Human Resources Management. Emergency appointments are typically used to cover peak workload periods, extended absences, or vacancies during the recruitment process.
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Long Beach
The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist will perform technical office and field duties in programs related to asbestos/lead management, hazardous materials management, occupational safety, industrial hygiene, and/or other related EHS work tasks.
Business Manager Long Beach
Under general direction, serves as manager of finance and budget administration for Financial Management (FM), including involvement with campus-wide finance initiatives facilitated by FM.
University Controller Long Beach
Under the general direction of the AVP for Financial Management, the position is responsible for the management of the University Controller's Office which includes General Accounting, Financial Reporting and Tax, and Accounts Payable for three business units: the Campus, the Research Foundation, and the 49ER Foundation. The position is primarily responsible for the accuracy of all University and Foundation financial records, the timeliness of financial transactions, response to financial audits, and the preparation of financial reports. In addition, the position works with the Director of CMS Finance and the Director of Financial Management Information Systems in matters relating to the accounting and finance functional areas.
Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management Long Beach
The Department of Management and Human Resource Management is seeking an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management.
Assistant Professor of Accountancy Long Beach
The Department of Accountancy is seeking an Assistant Professor of Accountancy in the area of Financial and Managerial Accounting.
Assistant Professor of Information Systems Long Beach
The Department of Information Systems is seeking an Assistant Professor in one of more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Additional areas will be considered.

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