Professional Aide Job No: 898568
East Lansing
College Of Nursing
AP- Professionals
Are you interested in supporting research? Does variety in your work motivate you? Does learning new things excite you? Click here to learn more about the research assistant positions in the College of Nursing! |
Assist/Assoc Professor Health Programs Fixed Term Job No: 912179
East Lansing
College Of Osteopathic Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
Michigan State University, Department of Pediatrics seeks applicants for the position of Assistant or Associate Professor specializing in pediatric pulmonology medicine. This appointment will be in the Health Programs Faculty Appointment system. The position in the Department of Pediatrics holds responsibilities for maintaining a clinical practice in pulmonology with the MSU HealthCare practice. |
Inst/Ast Prof - Fixed Term Job No: 911015
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University invites applications for a full-time, 9-month, FT instructor position. The candidate will play a key role in delivering Integrative Biology 341: Fundamental Genetics, alongside a dedicated team of faculty and graduate teaching assistants. In addition, the candidate will be required to teach at least one other core IBIO course. |
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System Job No: 913345
East Lansing
Research And Innovation
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Plant Resilience Institute of Michigan State University invites applications for multiple faculty positions at a tenure-track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level from individuals using innovative laboratory, computational, or field experimental approaches to study plant responses to the environment. |
Research Associate-Fixed Term Job No: 910934
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
Postdoctoral position using mixed method methodologies, focusing on qualitative methods, to investigate students’ reasoning in physiology |
Director I-Fixed-Acad Staff Job No: 911965
East Lansing
Intercollegiate Athletics
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Athletics at Michigan State University is searching to fill multiple Director I level support positions. The successful candidates will assist coaching staff in various aspects to support the growth and operations of a sports program. |
Director II-Fixed-Acad Staff Job No: 911964
East Lansing
Intercollegiate Athletics
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Athletics at Michigan State University is searching to fill multiple Director II level support positions . The successful candidates will assist coaching staff in various aspects to support the growth and operations of a sports program. |
Assistant To Director-Fixed Term Job No: 911967
East Lansing
Intercollegiate Athletics
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics at Michigan State University is searching for Assistant to the Director positions to support various sports programs. |
Ast Inst/Inst/Ast Prof - Fixed Term Job No: 911459
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
The Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education at Michigan State University is currently establishing a pool of fixed-term assistant professors, instructors, and assistant instructors in the Special Education program that will be filled on an as needed basis. Applicants in this pool are reviewed as needed. |
Ast Inst/Inst/Ast Professor Fixed Term Job No: 911458
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
The College of Education at Michigan State University announces an open position in the Office of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies (ORDS) in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education. This position is a fixed-term appointment that will teach a one-semester-long course. |
Assistant Professor Health Programs Job No: 910303
East Lansing
College Of Veterinary Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, invites applications from outstanding individuals for the position of Assistant Professor of Primary Care in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences (SCS) in the Health Programs (HP) appointment system. |
Research Associate-Fixed Term Job No: 909417
East Lansing
College Of Engineering
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is seeking applications for Fixed Term Research Associate positions in all areas within Electrical and Computer Engineering. |
Instructor-Fixed Term Job No: 909206
East Lansing
College Of Agriculture And Nat Resources
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
The Department of Entomology invites applications for a pool of qualified fixed-term instructors |
Chairperson-Management Job No: 907240
East Lansing
College Of Engineering
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
Michigan State University (MSU) invites applications and nominations for an educator and scholar with the vision to serve as Chairperson of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, with an anticipated start date of August 16, 2024. |
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System Job No: 906405
East Lansing
College Of Education
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Kinesiology at Michigan State University invites applications for five nine-month tenure-system positions in various domains of kinesiology, to begin in August 2024 (one open rank and four at the assistant professor rank) |
Research Associate-Fixed Term Job No: 905538
East Lansing
College Of Human Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
A postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Eunhee Yi ( at Michigan State University. We investigate the molecular mechanisms behind the extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA)’s oncogenic behaviors, which is well known as a cause of tumor heterogeneity and therapy resistance in cancers. |
Ast Inst/Instructor - Fixed Term Job No: 906657
East Lansing
Eli Broad College Of Business
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
The Department of Marketing, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University invites applications for a pool of qualified fixed-term instructors to teach one or more undergraduate and/or graduate courses in Marketing with possible course creation or additional support for students and/or research. |
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System Job No: 904891
Grand Rapids
College Of Human Medicine
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Translational Neuroscience, at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine (CHM) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is seeking a dedicated and accomplished researcher for a open-rank tenure-track/tenured faculty position with a primary research focus on health disparities in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and Parkinson’s disease. |
Assistant Professor-Tenure System Job No: 903911
East Lansing
College Of Natural Science
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Physiology at Michigan State University (MSU) invites applications for a tenure track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level. This is an exceptional opportunity for an outstanding candidate to join MSU's robust gastrointestinal research community, a thriving group that extends across multiple research and clinical departments. |
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System Job No: 904470
East Lansing
College Of Engineering
FAS- Fac./Acad Staff
Open Until Filled
The Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CHEMS) is seeking applications for an open-rank tenure system faculty position. All areas of research specialization will be considered. |