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Position Location Open Date Close Date
Res Life Front Desk Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Res Life Office. Open until filled.
Police Department Summer Bridge Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time Bridge Student Assistants position is available in the Police Department. Open until filled.
Library Student Assistant-AY 2024-2025 Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Library Department for AY 2024-2025. Open until filled.
SIM Tour Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Academic Technology department. Open until filled.
Canvas Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Academic Technology department. Open until filled.
Enrollment and Marketing Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Enrollment and Marketing Department. Open until filled.
Student Assistant for Basic Needs Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Dean of Students. Open until filled.
Accessibility & Disability Services Student Assistant Maritime Academy
Part-time position is available in the Accessibility & Disability Services. Open until filled.

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